Willem Greve: I'm going for it!

‘A victory to remember!’ Those were Willem Greve's words after his spectacular victory in the Rolex Grand Prix of The Dutch Masters last year. Winning in front of his own audience and beating the world’s number one, Henrik von Eckermann, in the jump-off. As the last starter in the jump-off, Greve was 0.04 seconds faster than Von Eckermann and his King Edward. The spectators went through the roof for the half-Brabander from Markelo. Half-Brabander? Yes, his mother is originally from Drunen.
Highway TN N.O.P.
Greve rode the then 12-year-old KWPN approved stallion Highway TN N.O.P. (by Eldorado v. Zeshoek), a horse he says ‘has an incredible attitude and the heart of a lion.’ The stallion is owned by Team Nijhof, who was also voted Equestrian of the Year at the 2024 edition. Greve has had Highway under saddle since 2019.
The Dutch Masters
Greve has been coming to The Dutch Masters for years. His fondest memories, besides winning the Rolex Grand Prix, are the World Cup final in 1994 when Jos Lansink won with his legendary Libero H and farewell of John Whitaker's world star Milton. ‘It has always been a great show but over the years it has grown into a really top event. Everything is organised down to the last detail, the facilities, the ‘look’, just everything.’
Looking ahead to the next edition, Willem will prepare as he always does. ‘I'm not going to do anything special, just what I always do,’ he says. And even though he certainly does wish colleague Harrie Smolders victory, ‘I'm going to do everything possible to win myself!’ Which horse he will saddle up for this, Willem does not yet know. ‘I'll decide that after Gothenburg.’
You can find the full programme here. Order your tickets in time via this link and don't miss anything from this edition of The Dutch Masters!
Photo: TDM/Digishots